Timetables of Miejski Zakład Komunikacji Spółka z o.o. w Koszalinie

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
51545?The service terminates at stop: Sianowska 01
6153249?The service terminates at stop: Sianowska 01
704?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 0119?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 013752?The service terminates at stop: Hospicjum 02
806?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 012136?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 0152?The service terminates at stop: Hospicjum 02
92152?The service terminates at stop: Hospicjum 02
102151?The service terminates at stop: Hospicjum 02
112151?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
122151?The service terminates at stop: Sianowska 01
131631? The service terminates at stop: Sianowska 0146?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
140621?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 0136?The service terminates at stop: Sianowska 0151?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
150621?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 0136?The service terminates at stop: Sianowska 0151?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
160621?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 0140?The service terminates at stop: Hospicjum 02
1702?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 012040?The service terminates at stop: Hospicjum 02
1800?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 012040?The service terminates at stop: Hospicjum 02
190737?The service terminates at stop: Hospicjum 02
200737?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
2112?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 0137?The service terminates at stop: Dzierżęcino 1159?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
2212?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 0138?The service terminates at stop: Dzierżęcino 11
633?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
71238?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
838?The service terminates at stop: Hospicjum 02
1038?The service terminates at stop: Hospicjum 02
1206?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 0138?The service terminates at stop: Hospicjum 02
130638?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
140638?The service terminates at stop: Hospicjum 02
1506?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
1606?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
1706?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
1806?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 0138?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
1912?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
200739?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
2139?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01
2239?The service terminates at stop: Chełmoniewo 01